May 16, 2009

Been a busy day/ week!

well des has started working!!!! YAY!!! he is bartending at a place called stone werks. he is enjoying it i think! while in the mean time we are going to try and get his business up and running but it takes time!

We went to his friends and family night to support him and we got to try the food before they open and it was so so good! Ava fell asleep in the high chair and it was so cute! everyone loved her! who wouldn't!!!!

we have finally gotten settled into our apartment and i feel a little more like home! it has taken a while. But nothing relpaces the awesome feeling of being so close to my family!!!

Ava spent the night for the FIRST time away from me and des. she stayed at my parents house because we had a cares team event that we were hosting and it was a big event and she is too little for me to be able to talk and cook food and the same time! we had a brunch today for everyone in our apartment! it went well! hopefully we get more and more people as we do more events! we had abot 28 people so i was happy with the turnout!

as soon as it was over we went back to the apartment and showered and des got ready for his VIP night at stonewerks and then we headed to his work and i then headed to my parents house to see our little girl who was sleeping when i got here and still is! i missed her so much!!! she is such a wonderful little girl!

well that is what we have been up to for the last week or so! time flies by so fast these days i blink and the week is over!

here is a picture of ava after she fell asleep in the highchair. what a cutie!!!

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