June 26, 2009

New things Ava has started to do!

It has been a few days sense i updated! but we have had some new things happening! Exciting! well one little thing is that she has gotten to big for her bath chair and she can wiggle out of it. We bought a duck blowup tub. it is so cute and it makes quacking sounds when you pinch its beak. She loves it. She also got some disco ducks that light up when you put them in water and touch them. she loves to play with them! i have a few pictures of her sitting in it. she just lounges back and chills out! it is so cute! for those of you who don't know her bathroom is duck theme so this works out perfect! i figured ducks were good for later on if we have another child and it is a boy. but i also love love love the little ducks. i don't know i just relate them to bath time and think its fun!! anyway... here are the pictures!!!

Des celebrated his first FATHER'S DAY sunday! it was so sweet she loved on him all day!here are a few pictures of Des and his little Ava Lu!!!

we woke daddy up to give him a card and snuggle before church!

he got a button to wear that said off duty check back tomorrow! he decided it looked better on ava... HA HA!!!

this is ava's latest thing she has started doing! she is getting up on both hands and knees and rocking back and forth! crazy at five months she is doing that. i can't believe that she is already started taking steps to crawling!!! she is such a smart baby girl! she is getting to the point were she just scoots to her toy! it is amazing to watch her learn these new things! here are some pictures of her on her hands and knees! tomorrow i will do my best to take a video of her rocking back and forth!

she sometimes thinks she gets it and she puts her hands in the air and starts kicking her legs she looks like she is swimming!

And the last thing for the night!!! Ava had her first go at rice cereal! she did very well! she ate almost ten spoons full!!! She did great! she really liked i think! we will try it again tomorrow for lunch! she still drinks her bottle with her rice cereal! it is so cute she is so into trying to hold the spoon!!! there are a few pictures of her trying to grab it!

June 22, 2009

Our little Ava is 5 Months Old!!!

our little girl is 5 months old! she is growing way too fast!!! But she is such an angel! she is a little sweetie! she has done so much in the last few days and weeks it is amazing! she is so smart!
she is doing so many things:
1.) she is turning and responding when someone talks to her
2.) she looks at you when you call her Ava
3.) she says baba and Da da
4.) she is studying things that she has in her hand!
5.) she is holding her own bottle for the most part.
6.) she can pick up her bottle on her own
7.) she drops stuff and then goes looking for it.
8.) she is banging on things we got her a new toy it is a piano and drum thing. it is so cute. she loves it
9.) she is sitting up on her own.
10.) she can almost pull herself up from laying down to sitting!

there is more i am sure but this is what i could think of for now. she is just doing so much!

I uploaded some pictures from her birth! i love to look back at how far she has come!

June 18, 2009

look what she is doing!

this little girl is working on sitting up on her own. she already is trying to pull her self up when she is lying down. so i say her up the other day and she is so strong and really not having a problem sitting up on her own. she is still a little wobbly but stronger everyday! she grabs toys and lifts them up and plays with her star stacker thing. she loves that she loves that it lights up! she also loves her rattle! she is getting so strong! she is holding on to things and able to support herself on the couch and grab for things. i am not confident to just let her stay there for a while without support! i uploaded pictures of all of it! i am so amazed with this little girl! she is so amazing! she is going to be 5 months old the day after fathers day! i cannot believe how fast the time has gone. she was 16.5 lbs at her last appointment. around 6 months maybe before i will have an update on her weight. i am sure she is still gaining. she is long as well so to me she does not look like she weighs that much but she really does when you pick her up! my arms get a daily workout!

Look at this little girl! she is growing so fast!

this is a funny picture of her! her face is so cute! she was talking up a storm when i took this!

Playing on the floor surprised by mommy with getting her picture made! still cute!

she was not wanting to take pictures! but it was fun!

playin with her bear!

what a goofy little girl! she is a hoot with the faces she makes at me!

she was sleeping in her swing and holding her passy in because she kept loosing it!

still sleeping!

daddy and ava relaxing! aren't they cute!

she loves her daddy! she is even saying DA DA!!!

so cute!

again with the cute faces!!!

those are some yummy toes!!! she loves them! they are her favorite toys and its great because they are always with her!