June 11, 2009

Black and White photos and some thoughts....

Well yesterday I read on a baby website that said something about triggers and relations for babies! it made so much sense! What it said was that babies can relate things together. It suggested that when it is your babies bedtime you should do the same things every night! this allows them to start relaxing and getting in a sleeping mode. Which hopefully will make it easier for them to fall asleep when older. I decided to try this with Ava tonight.

I like for her to be asleep by around 10:00pm. this way she sleeps till about 6:00am. So this is the routine i have put her on and i really think that it is working.

Starting at 9:00pm i started to run her bath. then after her bath we dressed her, then we brushed her teeth, Next we came out in the living room where i had the lights dimmed and the TV was turned off. I had a lullaby cd playing and put her lotion on her legs and tummy, next we made her bottle, then I swaddled her and fed her bottle to her. She started to relax immediately her eyes were heavy and almost closed by 9:45pm about ten minutes after we sat down. when she was done with her bottle i put the passy in her mouth and held her until 10:00pm. Then i got up and put her in her bed. she has been asleep ever sense!

Normally she fights sleep so bad and it is a very hard thing when she knows she needs to sleep she does not want to. and when she finally falls asleep she crashes. But i think this routine is going to get her sleeping much easier and relax much faster. she did not even fight me tonight! man why did i not get this email earlier! this is going to be a great tool in her schedule!

I have also uploaded pictures of her in black and white from our trip! enjoy!!

she is the cutest little girl EVER!!!

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