June 22, 2009

Our little Ava is 5 Months Old!!!

our little girl is 5 months old! she is growing way too fast!!! But she is such an angel! she is a little sweetie! she has done so much in the last few days and weeks it is amazing! she is so smart!
she is doing so many things:
1.) she is turning and responding when someone talks to her
2.) she looks at you when you call her Ava
3.) she says baba and Da da
4.) she is studying things that she has in her hand!
5.) she is holding her own bottle for the most part.
6.) she can pick up her bottle on her own
7.) she drops stuff and then goes looking for it.
8.) she is banging on things we got her a new toy it is a piano and drum thing. it is so cute. she loves it
9.) she is sitting up on her own.
10.) she can almost pull herself up from laying down to sitting!

there is more i am sure but this is what i could think of for now. she is just doing so much!

I uploaded some pictures from her birth! i love to look back at how far she has come!

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