The doctors appointment went great! I met a new doctor today! she was very sweet. They are all very sweet there! I have had a cold lately and was a little worried about how I might react to it due to the fact that I am prone to get pneumonia. I had the doctor listen to my chest and make sure she didn't hear anything right now and she said she thinks everything is OK she didn't hear anything out of the ordinary so that is good to hear!
Ava's update...
She measured my belly and said we are right on schedule for size and everything. And that I have only gained 22 LBS so far. So that is good I thought for sure I was way past the 25 mark. But I only gained a pound in the last two weeks. But Ava will be gaining about 1/2LB a week for a while. So I am sure we will be passed that in no time! I am trying to eat really well and eat what is best for the baby to get the most out of what I eat. Most of the time I think just a burger sounds good but I know that is not what I need to be eating. So I try to resist some of the things that I really want while not totally depriving myself of everything I want!
We listened to Ava's heartbeat today! I love that they listen to it every time! It is such a reassuring thing to hear her heart beat! I always get nervous if they don't find it right away!!!!! But they usually do really fast! Its never a problem! Her heartbeat today was 135 so that is awesome she said it sounds really good. Last time we were there it was 125 which she said means that she was at a normal rate then as well. She said about 110 to 165 is normal for a baby! so we are always right in the middle! that is awesome! She is kicking me as usual! Always fun to feel!
Other than that we have our next appointment is December 11Th. I will be 33 weeks then!!! we are getting so close it is crazy to think that in about eight weeks we are going to be meeting our little girl for the first time! actually today is the 25Th so that is two months to the day from her due date!!!! WOW I can't believe how fast this has all gone by!
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
Host a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party for Kids
2 months ago
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