December 31, 2008
Thought this was a good article for the New Year!
How to fail-proof your New Year’s resolutions
It’s tempting to dream about a “new and improved” you, when the eve of a brand New Year is approaching. I unfortunately succumbed to the urge in my latest Babes’ Blog entry.
This article from MSNBC (i put the link in just in case you want to read it! its good) gives some interesting insight into our uniquely- human habit of making lists and setting goals for ourselves. (As far as I know my dog doesn’t dream of self improvement.)
It seems there may be a right way and a wrong way to go about making a life list. That is, of course, if you want your list to lead to a life of increased happiness and fulfillment, rather than simply just a tidier home, longer fingernails, or shinier hair. The article’s author, Stephanie Dolgoff, suggests a list of 9 things to think about before you consider making your own list. They are as follows:
1. Know the purpose of your list. (Uncover your core values by asking yourself “What kind of person do I want to be?”
2. Focus on what you already like about yourself and your life, and take it from there.
3. Make sure your goals are intrinsically motivated. (Meaning: Don’t use your life to try to impress other people.)
4. Think about what you want to do, not what you want to have.
5. Keep it fun. (If it’s not, you won’t do it.)
6. Keep it positive. (Language counts. More action, less reaction.)
7. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. (Think small, easily digestible bites, instead.)
8. Read your list to yourself. (How does it make you feel? Intimidated, empowered, challenged?)
9. Include your wildest dreams, and be ready to abandon, or change any items on the list at any time.
If you’re looking for support to help you realize you’re goals, this BabyCenter Community group is a good place to start. For more inspiration, here’s another goal setting article from ZenHabits.
Do any of you plan to make a life list for 2009? Are you thinking big–lifestyle overhaul– or small–lose a few pounds and stop yelling at the kids? Or , in the spirit of the late Fred Rogers, do you “love yourself just the way you are?”
December 30, 2008
We are getting all set up for Ava!
We are going to use her playpen that also doubles as a bassinet for a little while because we only have the one bedroom and we plan on her staying in our room for about 3 months anyway. after that we are going to move into a two bedroom so she can have her own room!
We ended up getting two strollers the one on the left Dez mom bought us and the one on the right my mom bought us! we are going to use the brown one for the nanny who will be watching Ava when i go back to work. We thought it would be a good idea to have two just so we were not swapping stuff all the time and she can just hang on to it for a while unless we needed it for something.
We are unsure where we are going to put her changing table just yet but we put all of her stuff underneath this desk area and we are going to get some more shelves and stack them on top with drawers so we have places for a lot of her stuff! also in this picture is my diaper bag! I love love love it! It is a gift from the Zangs.
In her bed we have some of the little blankets and things that were given to her! I love those and i know that she will too! they are all so cute! we still have a few things to set up but we are mostly done. we are still lacking a few things. but we will get them in time! I still have at least one more baby shower here! and possibly one in Texas at a later date. So i am sure that we will get more than enough of what we need! It is really just little things.
36 Week Doctor Appointment update...
My blood pressure is very normal and has not changed too much! I am up and down sometimes.
I have only gained 2 LBS in the last 3 weeks so that is very good! not bad at all! I feel like i gain about a pound everyday! But at least i am not!!! that is a very positive thing for me!
We also heard the heart beat and she said it was right where it needed to be. I love love love that part.
She also felt for the way the baby was positioned and she said that her head was down and that was good because i was unsure at times if she was or not! Glad she is not breech!!!
She checked my cervix and she said that it is not closed and it is a little dilated but she could not get all the way through so it was not that far along but that is about what i should be for 36 weeks.
we went ahead and set up the next two weeks of appointments. Monday is the next one and then the following week on Wednesday. We are week to week now and getting so close!!! hopefully we will be moving right on schedule!
The Charle Brown Tree... Its so cute...
The ornaments on the tree are ones from when i was little. We all got them as childern in my family and i am so grateful my mom has saved them over the years. Its fun to look back on them and remember all the wonderful christmas times we all shared and who each one is from! I cant wait to start getting all of them for Ava.
My 35 Week Pictures... She is getting REALLY BIG!!!!
I have gotten a few stretch marks in the last week or so. They are not bad so i am really hoping that they don't get much worse! though they probably will. Oh well the end of all this is what really matters and that is a beautiful baby girl!!
Des said that it looks like she is all baby in the last shot! it is a big round circle! We thought this was a crazy looking picture.
our Little Golf Outing...
here are a few of the ones that took while we were out on the course!!!
I love this picture of Des!!
This is us hanging out on the golf cart. of course Dez is being silly as usual!!! Look at my chubby cheeks!
Des is a very good golfer! i can't wait till he gets to play with my family more and more! That is something that all the men in my life are very into! I actually have a lot of fun just riding around with him and laughing! we have such a great time together just talking and being around each other. Lots of laughs all the time! the next two are of Dez swinging the club!
This was the first ball that he hit on the first hole... we were unable to locate it until the second hole and about half way to the second green! LOL he had not been in a while. But after that he was all warmed up and ready to go! he did awesome from then on out! oh and he was breaking in new shoes he got from my family for Christmas so maybe that had something to do with it!!! either way it was funny when we finally found it!!!!!
our trip to Texas...
Baby Shower on December 7th
Michelle and Amanda are the two wonderful girls who threw the shower for me! it was wonderful! the next few pictures are of a few gifts i opened. there were a lot of pictures i may be able to upload them later.
This is the cute cake from the party! It was so so so good!!!
Did not have time to make a cd last night but for sure will tonight!!!
Also today is our 36 week appointment so we are going to the doctor at around 4:30 today So hopefully with me not working all day and having a decently easy day i will get home and feel like actually doing things.
Dez has been so wonderful and understanding with me not feeling great and not wanting to do anything but sit on the couch! he takes the dogs out for me every time. I try to help when i am not extremely sore or when i know that it will be an ordeal for him to take both of them out! he cooks for us EVERY night. I think that i have cooked 2 times in our new place sense we moved there! he has cooked just about every night. and he cleans up the dishes! i try to help with that and he just tells me to sit down and rest! He also helps me with laundry which i know that he hates to do but i just don't have the energy to keep up with it all! I actually don't mind doing it but it seems like it has completely horrible right now but i still try to keep that up!
I feel so worthless sometimes just watching him but when i try to help i just get so sleepy and end up falling asleep or being down for the count the next day! But i am all in all feeling very well not sick just achy (to be expected)
We are both hoping that she decides to come a little early for the reasons that it is getting more and more difficult to carry her around and all with my back and legs. And because we so badly want to meet and hold her! we are so excited and feel like it has taken forever for us just to get to see her and hold her and love on her! the thought that it is just around the corner is so exciting and unbearable at the same time because the closer we get the more impatient we get to see her! hopefully the doctor will say that she is well on her way today and that we probably won't make it till her due date!! that would be awesome! But we are not going to put all of our hope on that. it would just be nice to hear that today! it would be a relaxing relief for me to hear that it could be sooner!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day and i will be sure to bring the CD for pictures tomorrow and also update everyone on our appointment!
December 29, 2008
We are at week 36... Getting closer and closer to seeing out little Ava girl!!!!
How your baby's growing:Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position. But if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.
Ava's development in pregnancy week 36:
Ava in ninth month The countdown continues… and in Ava's developments:
most of the bones (soft skull aside) in their little body are now completely hardened, providing a solid structure from which they can now make their grand debut into the world. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we are structurally ready for a secure launch. In physical fitness news: their muscle tone has also improved over these past few weeks, and you’ll definitely be impressed by their steel-like Ulnar grasp (a newborn reflex that occurs if you lay your finger in their palm). And in genital development: if you’re having a girl, her labia are now fully developed. Finally, in the fluids/excretion department: the amniotic fluid-to-baby ratio has fallen over these past weeks, although they’re still swallowing fluid (building up even more meconium for that historic first poop), and some vernix caseosa. They will be more than ready to swallow and digest milk after birth. Just in case you didn’t get it quite yet: you’ve got yourself an adorable and hungry 6.5 lbs 20 inch baby—are you ready?
This week we have our weekly appointment! this is the week they are going to start checking me for any dilation!!!! hoping but not holding my breath!
Des and i are noticing that if we rub on an area of my belly she will stick her foot up and keep it there till we stop rubbing! it is so cute and fun to think that she is bonding with us already!!! Everyday we are talking about how we can't wait to see her and hold her! we are on about 4 weeks... till her due date!!! we are hoping that she is on time at least! hoping she doesn't decide to come late!!!
Last week we also set up her Playpen and Stroller. We set up her changing table and got things organized with diapers and clothes and all that wonderful stuff! all we need now is our angel to join us!!!
I am having dez put some pictures on a cd today so hopefully i can upload them tomorrow on here!!! there are a lot of updates picture wise i need to add on here!!!
December 26, 2008
What does Ava Lucille Mean
Ava: ( this is a name Dez and I picked while we were dating and we still LOVE it) here is the meaning of her first name:
Hebrew, English: Like a bird
Lucille: ( the name of Dez Grandma who passed away a while ago but she was the one who raised Dez and she means so much to him!)
Here is the meaning of her middle name:
Meaning: Light
29 Days and counting...
I worked on Christmas eve for a while and when i got home Dez was putting together her new stroller and playpen! they are so easy to work with and light! We are going to use her playpen which is also a bassinet first until we are in a two bedroom place. our lease on our apartment is going to be up in April and we figured we would save the money and stay in the one bedroom until she is about 3 months because she will be sleeping with us most of the time anyway!
I also have a new cute picture of our baby girl Abbie! She is so wonderful and we love her so much! I think she is going to be great with Ava! she Loves babies!
This is the only picture i have right now to post but i will be putting some pictures on a CD and bringing them to work to update this with.
here is our baby girl Abbie!!!
December 24, 2008
Christmas time...
This year we are also going to come up with one thing each that we would like to start tradition wise with Ava next year.
Like opening one present Christmas Eve, or Making breakfast Christmas morning, stuff like that! I just think it will be fun to think about next year with our little angel with us! As much as i would LOVE for her to be here with us this year i know that it is not her time to be born and know she needs a little more time. Although not much more because Christmas day will be ONE MONTH exactly till her due date! Maybe we will see her sooner! who knows. Possibly later than that but either way we just pray she is a healthy happy little girl! We already know that she will be very spoiled. Not only by being a Daddy's girl but also with all her grandparents and great grandparents! And i am sure friends and the rest of our family's !!! she is already so loved and she has no idea!!!!
We will miss not being with family this year and can't wait till we can spend Christmas with our family's next year and have our wonderful little angel with us!!!!
We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas!!!!
oh i saw this and it made me think of our loud neighbors up above us!!! i mean they are so loud its unbelievable!!! but this makes me laugh when i think about it!
December 22, 2008
WOW we are so close... 35 weeks and counting... not long till Ava is in this world!!!
How your baby's growing:
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Ava's development in pregnancy week 35:
Ava's in eighth month Congratulations! You’re now carrying nearly 6 lbs of baby not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself. We’re impressed because that’s a LOT of work non-stop. Are you feeling proud of yourself yet? Well, get to it—you’ve done an amazing job! At this point, your little grower is almost busting out of the womb size-wise, which make their restricted attempts to move much challenging. Of course, your stubborn little sucker is still trying to move around as if they weren’t in a cramped space. And the accumulation baby fat deposits are starting to level off so your little butter ball will be padded and warm when they head out of their super snug little home.
I have added the part about how I am doing... it seems to be pretty accurate so i thought i would add it for fun!!!
And how's mom doing?
Obviously the big change for you is the notable weight shift (known as “lightening” or “engagement”). Now that your baby is resting deeper in your pelvis, you may find yourself walking as if you're carrying a watermelon between your legs. Yes dear, you’re officially “waddling” these days. Try to comfort Now that your baby is resting deeper in your pelvis, you may find yourself walking as if you're carrying a watermelon between your legs yourself with this thought: it’s nearly over. Soon, you’ll just have to carry your adorable little watermelon in your arms. And in a rare spate of good news: this weight shift means you can breathe easier now that your lungs aren’t compressed. The not-so-good news, it’s a trade off: (we’ll wait till you’re back from the restroom) this new position has your poor bladder even more squished than before. We’d recommend writing your bladder little love poems to convince it not to leave you altogether, but unfortunately bladders don’t speak English (only Italian love poems will do).
At your next check up you can expect your physician to conduct a Group B Streptococci test (GBS), a common bacteria screening. As long as you have a strong immune system, you’re in the clear (one more reason to eat right and exercise!), but your little one is more susceptible to serious health complications (including meningitis, pneumonia and blood infection) if not diagnosed and treated properly—so the tests are good for some peace of mind. Hang in there momma, you’re already a super-star for making it this far!
Next Tuesday December 30Th is My 36 week appointment!!! we waited 3 weeks because she thought everything would be fine until after Christmas!
At my next appointment they will start checking for Dilation and all that good stuff! Hoping for maybe a little so we can get this show on the road!!! we are so ready for our little angel to finally be in our arms!!! I feel like we have waited forever for her! but At the same time it has really all gone really fast! I am just anxious for her to be here! I think that My stress and every worry will be over when she is finally here and born and we hear her cry and get to hold her for the first time!!!
we are packing the bags this week and trying to get everything set up for when she comes home and for when we go to the hospital!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!!! i will be sure to update before and after the appointment!!!!
December 16, 2008
34 weeks... 5 weeks left till Ava Lucille is here!!!!
here is the 34 week update:
Your pregnancy: 34 weeks
How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.
Ava's development in pregnancy week 34:
Ava in eighth month: Your amazing baby is on the move! They’ve been riding fairly high in your stretched-out womb till now (while kindly compressing your poor internal organs), but now they’re planning on making the big move to your pelvis this week. If you haven’t noticed it already, you’ll be feeling the weight shift that signals that your baby is most likely out of breech position, with their head now resting on your pubic bone. In liver news: although not quite fully formed, your little miracle’s liver is now capable of processing a certain amount of waste. In general, most of your child’s prenatal physical development is pretty much up to snuff and ready for the outside world. Naturally, further weight gain is expected—so you’re still not at maximum capacity despite probably feeling like you definitely are maxed out.
December 12, 2008
34 Week... Home stretch (kinda)
She pushed back my appointment to 3 weeks with the holiday and said the way things are going i should be fine to wait an extra week then we are going to weekly appointments!!! My next appointment will be at 36 weeks. They are going to start checking for Dialation and all that wonderful stuff!!! YEAH!!! hopefully she will be early! well not too early! healthy early!!
This weekend we are flying to Texas to see my parent inbetween the holidays because after this weekend i will not be able to travel more than an hour away. so we won't be able to see anyone for christmas unless they come here. but Dez parents came for Thanksgiving and My mom was just out here visiting. So we are not going to be seeing any of them for christmas which is ok i am sure that i will be needing to take it very easy then. I am getting swollen very easily now so i have to take the most easiest tasks slow. But whatever i need to do to keep her healthy is my number one priority!
we are about 6 weeks away from the birth of our little angel!!!
hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!
December 11, 2008
Johnny the baptist
Matt. 18:4-5
whoever humbles himself
like this child is the greatest
in the kingdom of heaven.
And whoever we lcomes
a little child like this
in my name welcomes me.'
Johnny's Mother
looked out
the window
and noticed him
'playing church'
with their cat.
He had the cat
sitting quietly
and he was
preaching to it.
She smiled
and went
about her work.
A while later
she heard loud
meowing & hissing
and ran back
to the open window
to see Johnny
baptizing the cat
in a tub of water.
She called out,
'Johnny, stop that!
The cat is afraid of water!'
Johnny looked up
at her and said,
'He should have thought
about that
before he joined
my church.
December 8, 2008
Even though we tried to keep her mom still had to go home :( & we are at 33 weeks!!!!
We had a great week. We went and did a little shopping. She went ahead and got us our christmas presents so that she didn't have to buy them and send them.
Dez got a new pair of Golf Shoes (hopefully he will be using them a lot here soon!)
He also got some other golf stuff. He really wants to have more free time to go golfing and also my whole family loves to golf so he has something fun to do with just the guys in the family when we visit!
She also got some things for baby Ava. I little seat for her to sit in when we go to baseball games and other stuff. She also got her a sonogram ornament it is so cute!
While We were at work on thursday she went to the store and bought a little christmas tree. (real) and decorated it with all of my ornaments and were given to me when I was growing up! It was so cute to come home to!
She also got us a little video camera called the flip! That thing is so amazing! It records videos and all you do is stick it in the computer and they are ready to email and upload! We video taped some of the shower to when I get the internet again I will upload it!
We had a wonderful time with my mom here! I really didn't want her to go home! But she has some lonely boys who called her all the time missing her and all she does for them! I think my dad doesn't share her very well! He just misses her too much while she is gone!
Also this week we hit 33 weeks this weekend!!! about 47 days left till our little Ava Lucille is here!!! Its coming up fast! But we cannot wait!
here is a little update:
Ava's Development in pregnancy week 33:
Ava in eighth month For all the weight and bulk you’re lugging around these days, you’d think your little champ should weigh much more than a mere 5 lbs and measly 17 inches in height, but nope, that’s about the average size for a baby in its thirty-third week. In terms of appearances, they’re getting cuter and pudgier every minute as they pile on the baby fat for those adorable little wrist rolls and chubby toes. And as we’re sure you’ve already noticed they’re getting stronger with every passing day. Nowadays, it’s possible to observe a well-placed kick just by watching your belly—but you already knew that didn’t you? Although they’re getting stronger, your bigger-by-the-day baby is losing space to move around, so the actual rate of movement will drop off in the last few weeks, despite that powerful drop-kick they’ve been working on. Hey, did you know you’ll continue feeling their movements even during labor?
Your pregnancy: 33 weeks
How your baby's growing:
This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. She's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and Her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
December 5, 2008
Mom is in town and I don't think I want her to EVER leave!
Last night she made a new pasta dish for us to try! It was so good! Dez was happy he didn't have to cook for a night because he always does the cooking because I am always so sleepy or just worn out to the point where I pretty much am in a Daze! Then we all watched some tv and chit chatted on the couch for a while. It was fun! She also took me to lunch yesterday and today!
Tonight we are meeting up with my moms Aunt and Cousins for dinner. We only found out that they live so close to us when we were sending out wedding invitations and I saw the addresses and knew where they were. It was crazy but awesome to have family so close!
Other than that not much going on besides me retaining so much water. I am loosing my ankles really fast! It is so sad! only a few pair of my shoes fit comfortably! And it moves up my legs as the day progresses. But it goes away when i have a chance to chill out and put them up! She is also putting her feet right in my ribs. I know she is just trying to make some stretching room for her because she is quickly loosing room and fast! so she is more than welcome to stretch out where ever needed! Sometimes i wish i could get a warning though because i am sure that my co workers think i have a twitch because i randomly jump or jerk around when she does because it throws me off guard and sometimes isn't the most pleasant feeling. But that is really not anything to complain about!
we are almost to 33 weeks. getting really close! down to 50 Days till our angel is born!!! Can not wait to hold our little angel for the first time!!!!
December 1, 2008
Busy weeks ahead! and our Thanksgiving weekend...
Our Thanksgiving...
On wed. Morning I woke up a little sick. Just a cold. But I played it safe and came home early from work to rest! Des showed up early too! That was a nice suprise! He never really gets to leave work early! I was happy that he got to rest as well!
Thanksgiving Day:
Dez and I woke up early as we have been for a while now that I can't sleep much! We got ready and made a salad to take over to my second cousins house for Lunch! We went over there to spend some time with family! It was so nice to see them again. Things have been so crazy with the wedding and getting ready for Ava that we have had little time to see them! I wish we have had more time in the past! well Hopefully we will be able to see them more and more! They fried 3 turkeys... That was so good! and we had all kinds of sides! We staid and talked for a while but then we had to run over to another house to see our friends for the dinner part of the day! They had some wonderful ham! we all just sat around and talked. We left about 8:00 because that is about all my energy will allow for! I know Dez would have loved to stay longer but I just needed my rest after being sick all day wed.! We went home and watched some TV then went to bed! it was a very nice day! I am greatful for getting to spend time with friends and family! we had a blast!
Dez and I got up once again and went and ran around and got somethings done. Later that night his parents came to visit us for the rest of the weekend. I was so happy to see them! we have not seen them sense the wedding! We have of course talked to them and all but we have not been around them! So when the got here we went to dinner and then came back and relaxed for the rest of the night! the next day we all got up and we went to run some errands and we of course made a spot at Babies R Us. Lesa bought some very cute things for little miss ava. And the Playyard we have been wanting! We were so excited!
the rest of the weekend we just hung out with them and relaxed! It was a great fun weekend.
Upcoming Events:
My mom is going to be in town on wed. Which We can't wait! I feel like I have not seen her in a long time! she will be here till next monday!!!!!! can't wait!
The next weekend we are going to be in Dallas to see my family again! Kind of a between the holidays visit! because i won't be able to travel for Christmas! Going to see Chelsea while we are there and hopefully a few others. Time allowing. We are not going to be there very long.
That is my last weekend to travel more than an hour away until after Ava is born. We will be at 34 weeks then!!!! Wow its getting so close!
That is what we have going on in the next few weeks!!! hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a wonderful rest of the week!!
We are at 32 weeks!!!!
Your pregnancy: 32 weeks
How your baby's growing:
By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Ava's development in pregnancy week 32:
Ava's in eighth month In the latest womb reports, your amazing baby has now developed sensitivity to temperature! This means you’ll probably get a swift kick if you put a hot pad on your ginormous belly. For the Elton John lovers out there-- yes, baby’s got blue eyes. At this point, all babies do, although depending on their chromosomal disposition, this could easily change after birth (or even between now and labor), but for the time being, blue it is. Thanks to their recently matured lungs and a remarkably strong immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week, survive premature births. So it’s pretty much a done deal. Even if your little monkey’s planning on heading out early, their survival odds are in everyone’s favor. Time to celebrate (no, no, wait until after the birth to crack open the champagne!) We’re talking baby-showers and alcohol-free punch!
November 25, 2008
Update on our appointment today...
Ava's update...
She measured my belly and said we are right on schedule for size and everything. And that I have only gained 22 LBS so far. So that is good I thought for sure I was way past the 25 mark. But I only gained a pound in the last two weeks. But Ava will be gaining about 1/2LB a week for a while. So I am sure we will be passed that in no time! I am trying to eat really well and eat what is best for the baby to get the most out of what I eat. Most of the time I think just a burger sounds good but I know that is not what I need to be eating. So I try to resist some of the things that I really want while not totally depriving myself of everything I want!
We listened to Ava's heartbeat today! I love that they listen to it every time! It is such a reassuring thing to hear her heart beat! I always get nervous if they don't find it right away!!!!! But they usually do really fast! Its never a problem! Her heartbeat today was 135 so that is awesome she said it sounds really good. Last time we were there it was 125 which she said means that she was at a normal rate then as well. She said about 110 to 165 is normal for a baby! so we are always right in the middle! that is awesome! She is kicking me as usual! Always fun to feel!
Other than that we have our next appointment is December 11Th. I will be 33 weeks then!!! we are getting so close it is crazy to think that in about eight weeks we are going to be meeting our little girl for the first time! actually today is the 25Th so that is two months to the day from her due date!!!! WOW I can't believe how fast this has all gone by!
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
31 week appointment today...
The last few weeks are going to be passing very quickly because we have a lot happening in the next few weeks.
Tomorrow is my last day of work before the thanksgiving break. Dez parents are coming in the day after thanksgiving to see us for the weekend. then two days after they leave my mom comes into town to visit and for the baby shower the next weekend. Then the weekend after that we fly to Texas to see my parents for a little holiday get together for the weekend and that is the last weekend i can travel! after that i will be 34 weeks and it was advised not to travel any further than an hour after i make it to the 34 week mark! which is fine by me i can use the rest on the weekends. I am still going strong at work. Working to make up for the time i will be off with the baby because i will get disability pay for the 6-8 weeks that i am off but i don't think that it will match my pay right now but it will be better than nothing. plus we don't base much off of what i bring home anymore because we would like for sooner than later that i get to be a stay at home mom. so hopefully that will happen soon! i really don't want her to be in daycare all the time. I want to be home with her. But we will do what we have to do!
I will update later with how my appointment goes! maybe tonight or tomorrow morning. We will see how tired i am. I am also about to go get my last name changed finally! the last times i have tried i always seem to pick a holiday and they are closed! so i double checked today! so praying the lines are not long then that will be a success today! HOPEFULLY!!!!
November 23, 2008
31 weeks! We are only 9 weeks away from our angel being in our arms!!!!
Ava's development in pregnancy week 31:Ava's in seventh month Your not-so-little-one is just a bit closer to their birth weight and height at around 4 pounds and 17 inches. With each added layer of baby fat, your baby's skin starts to look more and more like it will when they finally get to see the light of day. The heavy news: you can expect your miracle-gro muffin to gain about a half a pound of weight per week from now until about two weeks before birth. Great. That's just what you needed. Even more weight to carry around!
Your baby's still-developing immune system has gained substantial strength over the past few weeks getting them in full gear to face our disease-ridden world o’ wonders. Obviously, a large majority of your child’s immune strength will be derived from exposure to breast milk as well as the outside elements. Their cute little noggin’ (which could already be covered with luscious locks or just purty peach fuzz), is still soft because the skull bones have not yet fused together. As much as that sounds a little too vulnerable, their “skull softness” allows for a much smoother passage through the birth canal during labor—something both you and your little swimmer will appreciate when it’s finally time to “go!” Also, some babies will have that “soft spot” on their head for up to one year after birth.
We are down to 9 weeks! we are so excited! I have been getting more and more tired lately but not too much to complain about! We have put an air mattress in the living room because the couch has gotten very uncomfortable! so i have been laying on tha
t to watch tv and I am sure that Dez is enjoying being able to sit on the couch without me stretching out all over him!!
I have uploaded some pictures so i figure i will go ahead and post them now! We have not taken 31 weeks yet! i will get that up soon!
November 17, 2008
30 weeks... and growing! 10 weeks till we meet our Ava girl!
Ava's in seventh month The light is visible at the end of the tunnel! Your over sized self and amazing growing baby have finally reached the single digits (in terms of weeks till birth)! The fine lanugo hair that has been growing all over their little monkey-like body is going to start falling off this week in preparation for the big day. But don’t be shocked if they’re hairier than you’d anticipated, some babies keep their lanugo until after birth. Still, it’s not any cause to be concerned as it will fall off eventually. No surprises here: your little porker is getting even cuter with increasingly pudgy arms and legs this week thanks to the ever-growing layers of subcutaneous fat. In terms of numbers, your baby should be weighing in at around 3 pounds 12 ounces (or more!) and be nearly 16 inches long.
How your baby's growing:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
We are so excited that we are down to 10 weeks till week 40 and possibly might be meeting out little angel sooner! But either way sooner or later we are just so happy to meet her whenever she does arrive!!! I feel like Her and I have a bond and she knows right where I put my hand on my tummy and she will just press up against it! she also does that for Dez! Its not so much a kick but just pushing up against where we are!
The other night I was asleep on the couch and Dez said that he could see her moving all around my tummy! I am glad that he gets to see her move! I feel like I get to enjoy it all and he just has to deal with me being tired and emotional all the time. but then when he gets to see something or feel something she does then I feel like he is amazed just as much as I am! I know that the most amazing part of all of this will be when he gets to hold his little girl for the first time! I think that will be the most defining time for him throughout this whole experience! I don't have much to complain about I feel like I Have been extremely lucky with being this far along. I am sure that it is not going to improve but I feel like I could feel way worse than I do! I am so happy that this so far has been a great pregnancy! Just hoping that it continues! I do feel myself getting more sleepy and have started taking iron pills at the request of the doctor. Just a few head aches here and there but not lasting long. Other than that just a little sore and getting a little hard to get up and down. But I am sure that is to be expected! Whenever I feel like complaining about anything I just look at the pictures of her and It seems to totally make me forget about all the discomfort I may be experiencing! or When she kicks and moves! those times just make me forget about any negative things that I have gone through so far!
We can't wait to see and hold our baby girl for the first time!!!!
I am posting the pictures again!!!!
November 13, 2008
What I can expect and a little insite for expecting dads...
Your Body
Weight Gain: Average weight gain up through the third trimester is between 25 to 35 pounds (11 to 16 kg). All that added weight you're carrying up front is causing pain and discomfort in back. Your back, hips and pelvis may ache at the end of the day, or constantly.
Swelling: Fluid retention and reduced circulation contribute to swelling of the face, hands, legs, ankles and feet. The fluid retention causes pressure on your nerves, which may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.
Breathlessness: Your growing uterus pushes up into your diaphragm, crowding your lungs. You may feel out of breath getting up out of your chair, walking up the stairs, even bending over to put on your shoes. As you near the end of your pregnancy, this may improve when the baby drops further into your pelvis.
Heartburn: The combination of a relaxed valve in your esophagus due to progesterone and your uterus pushing into your stomach is a recipe for heartburn. Some women get heartburn after eating or drinking anything during their third trimester.
Hair/Skin: Although you may be grateful for the new head of lucsiouly thick hair on your head, you may be cursing the new, not so luscious growth of hair in inappropriate places such as your face, chest and stomach. Your skin may be sprouting skin tags, as well as patchy, pigmented spots called melasma. If you didn't start getting stretch marks your second trimester, you'll likely be developing these angry red marks before the end of your pregnancy.
Bladder: You will most definitely be experiencing the urge to urinate frequently. You'll also find that your ability to hold a full bladder diminishes significantly in your third trimester. Learn how to cross your legs quickly when laughing, coughing or sneezing.
Breasts: Your breasts will have an added 1 to 3 pounds (453 g to 1.36 kg) of breast tissue to accommodate making milk after the baby is born. Colostrum, which is pre-milk, may begin leaking from your nipples in your third trimester.
Hemorrhoids: Increased pressure on your rectum coupled with a slow-moving digestive tract may result in hemorrhoids in your third trimester. Make sure that you're getting adequate fluids and fiber in your diet, and speak to your doctor about safe ways to treat constipation.
Sleeping: You're big, you're uncomfortable, you're hot, the list goes on. Sleep depravation during your third trimester is quite common — just think of it as preparation for a new baby. Most women find it uncomfortable to sleep on their sides, but because sleeping on your back can cause a drop in blood flow and oxygen to your baby, it is not advised. Experiment with several pillows to see which combination works to support your stomach and knees.
Braxton Hicks: These practice contractions are often mistaken for real labor. In reality, it's your uterus gearing up for the real deal, or a way for your body to tell you to slow down.
You're probably getting extremely antsy in anticipation of the arrival of your baby. If you haven't already done so, the third trimester is a good time to get your childbirth education classes done, prepare your birth plan and pack your hospital bag. You'll be seeing your doctor every two weeks at 32 weeks, then every week after 36 weeks. The baby will be moving a lot in the beginning of your third trimester, but this will taper off towards the end as things get more crowded in your uterus.
Early Signs of Labor
You'll find that your Braxton Hicks contractions may increase in your third trimester and may even get a little more intense. These are signs that you should slow down, take a little rest and drink some water. If you are feeling painful contractions that are becoming more regular, you may be in early labor. If these occur after 37 weeks, you're full term, but prior to this may be too early. Be sure to call your doctor if you experience early labor, or anything that may be of concern to you.
November 12, 2008
Keepsake ultrasound!!! so amazing!!!!!!
Our appointment update... and we have picked a doctor for Ava
We are now on appointments every two weeks!!! Getting closer! our next appointment is monday Nov. 24th!
We have also picked a pediatrician for Ava. I really liked the office and the doctor when I met her! Her name is Dr. Lynn Becks. She answered a bunch of my questions and more that I did not even think of! She will be checking in on Ava everyday that she is at the hospital after she is born! It was a very cute office and they had a lot to offer like a Saturday clinic (because most things happen on the weekend) a specialist that works closely with them! and a doctor on call 24 hours a day! all of their lab tests are done in house and the only thing they don't have is x-ray. But they do have a place to send her if she needs one! other than that we really just talked and she made me feel very comfortable about bringing Ava to her.
We are getting so close to the final 10 weeks!!!! Sunday is Ten weeks till we get to hold our Ava girl! Time is flying but yet sometimes seems to go so slow when I think about actually having her in our arms!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!
November 10, 2008
Tomorrow is 29-30 week appointment
I also have a pediactric appointment tomorrow to interview a doctor for Ava when she is born. I am hoping that I am comfortable with her. I really don't know what to expect. I loved my doctors when I was young and never had a bad exerience with them being rude or anything else and I really want to pick the right doctor for her! Its tough!
I will update on wed. after our appointment!!!!
hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
November 7, 2008
29 week update...
She will not be 29 weeks till Sunday but I thought that I would go ahead and update for the weekend!
How your baby's growing:
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day.
Ava's development in pregnancy week 29:
Ava's in seventh month If you’ve been feeling butterflies moving around in your belly, it’s not just your run-of-the-mill pre-birth performance anxiety. No, it’s your amazing baby with a case of the hiccups: a fairly common occurrence at this point resulting from practicing breathing for their big birthday. In addition, to getting a round of butterfly-like hiccups, your little swimmer has arduously managed to accumulate enough baby fat to account for nearly 3.5% of their overall body weight. Yeah, compared to we adults, it’s not a lot, but when they’re little like that—it’s certainly a healthy (and warming) accomplishment in its way. Another fantastic accomplishment: your baby's spleen is now in charge of hematopoiesis—the 10 dollar name for the process involved in building up certain important blood components. Another fantastic-accomplishment: your little monkey has been peeing into their amniotic sac for a little while now (this is why potty training takes a while) and if you didn’t know, actually swallows it along with the rest of the amniotic fluid. Although the concept is nasty, their urine is sterile and as part of the amniotic fluid base, is replaced several times throughout the day. So if you didn’t know before, now you can tell people, that yes, you drank your own urine—you were still in the womb, but nonetheless, you’ve been there.
I actually started feeling a few of the hiccups around week 27-28 just a little! now I can really tell when she has them! It is amazing! The other night Dez and I just watched my belly move all around! We were just amazed at how much she was moving! I am thinking she was having a hard time getting comfortable sense her space is getting limited! We are about 11 weeks away from having our little girl in our arms and we can't wait! Time is going by fast but at the same time it is going by slow as well!
hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!